
Element: <titleInfo>

Definition: A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in a resource, that names it or the work contained in it.

Attributes: type authority authorityURI valueURI usage displayLabel supplied nameTitleGroup altRepGroup altFormat contentType xlink ID lang xml:lang script transliteration otherType

Subelements: <title> <subTitle> <partNumber> <partName> <nonSort>



titleInfo is a repeatable element and the indexing will vary depending upon the attribute type

Fields Created

  • mods_title_alt - a multivalued, indexed field all title sub-elements of the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type="alternative"

  • other_title - a multivalued, indexed field all title sub-elements of the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative" which are not the first element

  • primary_title - a single valued, sortable indexed field title sub-element of the the first titleInfo in the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative"

  • subtitle - a single valued, sortable indexed field subtitle sub-element of the the first titleInfo in the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative"

  • partnumber - a single valued, sortable indexed field partnumber sub-element of the the first titleInfo in the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative"

  • partname - a single valued, sortable indexed field partname sub-element of the the first titleInfo in the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative"

  • nonsort - a single valued, field nonsort sub-element of the the first titleInfo in the set of titleInfo which have the attribute @type!="alternative"

Notes for future

  • Only the "primary" title has it's non title subelements indexed. This should change
  • More types are vailable than type="alternative". Such as abbreviated, translated, and uniform
  • A composit title or mods_title_full could be created wich is an intelligent concatination of the sub-elements in a given titleInfo element. It may be useful to sort on this.
  • The attribute "@displayLabel" should be respected and incorporated if present
  • If @type="translated" then the @language attribute would be important



Usually only the elements associated with the primary_title are displayed they are a concatination of

[nonsort] primary_title[: subtitle] [partname] [partnumber]