
Element: <relatedItem>

Definition: Information that identifies other resources related to the one being described.

Attributes: type xlink:href displayLabel ID otherType otherTypeAuth otherTypeAuthURI otherTypeURI

Subelements: All MODS elements can appear as subelements.


Fields Created

  • collection_title - indexed multivalued
    If a <relatedItem> has a <titleInfo><title> sublement AND the attribute @type=='host' AND the attribute @displayLabel starts with "Collection"
    the value is text() value of the <title>
  • other_title - indexed multivalued
    If a <relatedItem> has a <titleInfo><title> sublement that does not fulfill that of the collection_title field above:
    the value is text() value of the <title>

  • mods_related_id_ssim- indexed multivalued
    If a <relatedItem> has a <identifier> sublement the value is text() value of the <identifier>

  • mods_related_id_*_ssim- indexed multivalued
    If a <relatedItem> has a <identifier> sublement with a @type attribute:
    the * above is the slugified version of the @type attribute
    the value is text() value of the <identifier>
  • mods_related_name_ssim- indexed multivalued
    If a <relatedItem> has a <name><namePart> sublement the value is text() value of the <namePart>

Direct XPATH mappings

mods_collection_id mods:relatedItem[@type="host" and starts-with(@displayLabel,"Collection")]/mods:identifier[@type = "COLID"]
