Element: <physicalDescription>

Definition: Describes the physical attributes of the information resource.

Attributes: displayLabel altRepGroup lang xml:lang script transliteration unit

Subelements: <form> <reformattingQuality> <internetMediaType> <extent> <digitalOrigin> <note>


Fields Created

  • mods_physicalDescription_form_ssim - multivalued, indexed
    This element is added if the <physicalDescription> has a subelement <form> without a specified @type attribute.
    The value of this field is that of the <form> element's text() value
  • mods_physicalDescription_form_*_ssim - multivalued, indexed
    This element is added if the <physicalDescription> has a subelement <form> with a specified @type attribute. The * above is @type attribute
    The value of this field is that of the <form> element's text() value

Direct XPATH mappings

mods_physicalDescription_extent_ssim mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent
mods_physicalDescription_digitalOrigin_ssim mods:physicalDescription/mods:digitalOrigin
