
Element: <originInfo>

Definition: Information about the origin of the resource, including place of origin or publication, publisher/originator, and dates associated with the resource.

Attributes: eventType displayLabel altRepGroup lang xml:lang script transliteration

Subelements: <place> <publisher> <dateIssued> <dateCreated> <dateCaptured> <dateValid> <dateModified> <copyrightDate> <dateOther> <edition> <issuance> <frequency>


Indexing Publisher/Publication Place (Direct XPATH mappings)

publisher mods:originInfo/mods:publisher
mods_publisher_ssim mods:originInfo/mods:publisher
publication_place mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="text"]
mods_publication_place_ssim mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="text"]
publication_code mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="code"]
mods_publication_code_ssim mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="code"]

Note: Duplication above. Preference is for namespaced fields.

Indexing Dates

The following discussion is applicable to each of the following date subelements <dateCreated> <dateIssued> <dateCaptured> <dateValid> <dateModified> <copyrightDate> <dateOther>

For each of these non-empty date elements we look at the following attributes. @qualifier, @point, @keyDate

The first of each sub-element adds the following fields, if @qualifier!='questionable' and (@point!='end' or @keyDate=='yes'):

  • [date_name] - indexed, single-valued
    The text() value for the above element converted into ISO 8601 if possible.
    Ex: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
  • [date_name]_year_ssim - indexed, multivalued
    Just the YYYY part of the above date
  • [date_name]_ssim - indexed multivalued
    If the date is not in ISO 8601 format.
    Just store the text() value of the element.
  • mods_dateOther_quarter_facet - indexed multivalued
    This field is added if [date_name]==dateOther and @type=='quarterSort'
    The value is text()
  • mods_dateOther_year_facet - indexed multivalued
    This field is added if [date_name]==dateOther and @type=='yearSort'
    The value is text()
  • mods_[date_name]_end_ssim - indexed multivalued
    This field is added if @point=='end'
    The value is text()
  • mods_[date_name]_[qualifier]_ssim - indexed multivalued
    This field is added if @qualifer is in the following list approximate, inferred, questionable
    The value is text()
