
Element: <name>

Definition: The name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting, etc.) associated in some way with the resource.

Attributes: type, authority, authorityURI, valueURI, usage, displayLabel, nameTitleGroup, altRepGroup, xlink, ID, lang, xml:lang, script, transliteration, etal

Subelements: <namePart>, <displayForm>, <affiliation>, <role>, <description>, <etal>, <nameIdentifier>


Fields Created

  • name - multivalued, indexed
    Looks at all namepart sub-element.
    If the attribute @type!="date" then use the text of the subelement

  • contributor - a multivalued, indexed field
    Looks at the role and roleterm sub-elements of the name.
    If the roleterm!=creator:
    The value is the namepart.

  • contributor_display - a multivalued, indexed field
    Combines the namepart roleterm and date=namepart with @type="date" in the following way
    namepart[, date][ (roleterm)]
    where [] denotes an optional component

  • creator - a multivalued, indexed field
    Looks at the role and roleterm sub-elements of the name.
    If the roleterm==creator:
    The value is the namepart.

  • mods_role_ssim - a multivalued, indexed field
    Looks at the roleterm and adds the first roleterm for a given name to the list of roles availible for this document

  • mods_role_*_ssim - a multivalued, indexed field
    The * in this field is the first roleterm associated with the name. The value is the namepart.

  • mods_name_place_ssim - a multivalued, indexed field
    If the name has a roleterm and the roleterm ends with " place". The value is the namepart.

  • mods_name_nonplace_ssim - a multivalued, indexed field
    If the name does not have a roleterm OR If the name has a roleterm and the roleterm DOES NOT end with " place". The value is the namepart.

Notes for future

  • The @type attribute on the name is not used. This could provide good information.
  • Only the first namepart is ever used.
  • For mods_role_ssim, only the first roleterm is used
