
Element: <location>

Definition: A designation of the language in which the content of a resource is expressed.

Attributes: displayLabel altRepGroup lang xml:lang script transliteration

Subelements: <physicalLocaiton> <shelfLocator> <url> <holdingSimple> <holdingExternal>


  • mods_location_physical_location_ssim - multivalued, indexed
    Looks at the physicalLocation subelement of the location element. The value of the field is the text() value of the physicalLocation subelement.

  • mods_location_copy_info_note_ssim - multivalued, indexed
    Looks at the holdingSimple/copyInfo/note subelement of the location element. The value of the field is the text() value of the `holdingSimple/copyInfo/note subelement.

  • mods_location_copy_info_note_*_ssim - multivalued, indexed
    If the holdingSimple/copyInfo/note has a @type or @displayLabel attribute then the * above is replaced with the @type or @displayLabel respectvely. The value is constructed just as in mods_location_copy_info_note_ssim.
